美顔鍼灸とアンチエイジング Facial Rejuvenation and Anti-aging

Bring out your innate beauty and radiance with the gentle yet effective way. 100% natural, there are no side effects and no toxic chemicals are used.
Also known as Cosmetic Acupuncture, Facial Rejuvenation acupuncture is a virtually painless, non-surgical method of reducing the signs of the aging. The use of acupuncture to slow the visible effects of aging began in China more than 2000 years ago.

● Clumn Menu

1.What is Facial Rejuvenation acupuncture?
2.The benefits of Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture may include:
3.What is the procedure?

1.What is Facial Rejuvenation acupuncture?

pctAcupuncture treatment stimulates your skin, nerves, and muscles to restore proper blood circulation and metabolism. Applying this process to your head, face, neck and shoulders, your facial nerves and muscles are rejuvenated. The circulation of blood flow and collagen production is stimulated, and your facial muscle and skin are toned properly-maximizing the beautifying effect.

2. The benefits of Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture may include:


  • ● Improved muscle tone and dermal contraction.
  • ● Increased collagen production
  • ● Reduction of bags under the eyes
  • ● Reduction of sagging and jowls
  • ● Decreased puffiness around the face
  • ● Elimination of fine lines on the face. Reduction of larger wrinkles
  • ● Hormonal balancing reduce acne and dry skin
  • ● Moistening of the skin through increased blood circulation to the face
●Improvement of facial color through increased blood circulation
  • ●Tightening of the pores
  • ●Lifting of drooping eyelids
  • ●Reduction of age spots
  • ●Reduction of the facial evidence of stress
  • ●Facial paralysis and its sequela

3. What is the procedure?


On your first visit, we discuss your overall health history, and examine your current body/facial condition thoroughly. We explain how we would treat your symptoms, and get your consent before you receive any treatment.

Each treatment involves the insertion of fine acupuncture needles into specific areas of the face, neck, hands, feet, and torso to affect changes not only in the face but also in the whole body. The symptoms on your face are often the result of an overall inadequate body condition, rather than just a local problem. For example, bags under the eyes are deeply connected with your stiff neck/shoulders and cold feet. Acnes and spots appear due to hormonal imbalance. Treating the whole body is essential for your beauty and anti-aging process. The needles are inserted while you are relaxing and lying down on a massage table. Once the needles are in, you rest for 20-30 minutes. Before finishing the treatment, we will apply gentle massage on your face, head, neck, and shoulders to maintain your improved circulation. The treatments are very relaxing and take about 40 to 50 minutes.

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